Burg's Lullaby's

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Monday, February 9, 2009


Well so if you dont know already i am in advanced dance i am having sooo MUCH fun. I have made new friends, new styles of dance, and over all
actually how to dance:)) I have never taken a dance class before:// well i have taken intro to dance at my school...

Anyways my best friend and I are making up a dance to a song called RAMALAMA (bang bang).
Coolest song ever ay?? Butt i was improving to it  one day and my dance teacher said i should make a dance for a piece in our show!! We made the concert so we get to have our dance preformed!! :0 ah no way right,,

Anyways,, (again) i tried out for some other dances and i made all butt one.. 5/6 i am so excited and can't wait!! If you wanna come to the concert you can its at my school APRIL 27th,, ANY QUESTIONS?? Post a comment.. 

((the song playing is ramalama bang bang))

((( turn it up)))
((((cool song huh))))


ryanandmindy said...

BOMB. i'm there. just tell me where.

ryanandmindy said...

and PS..i know this song. i just don't know how..i'm thinking anna did a dance to it or something

Burg:D said...

aha!! Awesome,, its at my school. I am excited..
((that cool about anna)) ask her!!