Burg's Lullaby's

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Speech Impediment.

Well since i have this contraption in my mouth i have a bit of a speech impediment ://

Yeah i can't say my c,g,h,j,n,p,s,t,v,w,x,z also my ch's st's and nt's are a little off??

SO the first thing my papa says when he comes home from work is that,, is kinda hard to say even though its true,, the next Ice Age Movie that comes out ,, i should play sid the sloths girlfriend..

He is right butt doesnt need to rub it in :0

Well,, also my friend maddy love to make me say.. sally sells sea shells by the sea shore!!

Thanks alot,,

Good thing that sid the sloth is my favorite MOVIE character EVERRRR!!!
That why Ice Age is my MOVIE OF THE MONTH!!


Well so if you dont know already i am in advanced dance i am having sooo MUCH fun. I have made new friends, new styles of dance, and over all
actually how to dance:)) I have never taken a dance class before:// well i have taken intro to dance at my school...

Anyways my best friend and I are making up a dance to a song called RAMALAMA (bang bang).
Coolest song ever ay?? Butt i was improving to it  one day and my dance teacher said i should make a dance for a piece in our show!! We made the concert so we get to have our dance preformed!! :0 ah no way right,,

Anyways,, (again) i tried out for some other dances and i made all butt one.. 5/6 i am so excited and can't wait!! If you wanna come to the concert you can its at my school APRIL 27th,, ANY QUESTIONS?? Post a comment.. 

((the song playing is ramalama bang bang))

((( turn it up)))
((((cool song huh))))

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jeez La Weez!!

Okay so i got this huge thing in my mouth that is made out of metal and makes it so all my teeth move back so that i have more room in my tiny mouth for my huge teeth,, This thing in my mouth is sharp, horrible, painful, owe,, the list could go forever and ever... It might sound like i am being a baby and need to deal with it,, butt it really does hurt! And i sound soooooo funny. My dad said that if there was to be an ice age 4 that i should play Sid the sloth's girlfriend!! Mean huh?? Well i have to wear it for three months and then i get real braces. 

Wish me luck!! PLEASE!!